Nokia PC Suite is not available for Mac but there are some alternatives that runs on macOS with similar functionality. The most popular Mac alternative is Funambol, which is both free and Open Source.If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked 11 alternatives to Nokia PC Suite and six of them are available for Mac so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. The MI PC Suite for Mac helps your Mac device to connect to your mobile phone. For Mac operating System, MI PC Suite is a great choice to have. You will get all of the features of a PC Suite on your Mac operating system what you use to get on Windows computer. Features of MI PC Suite.

Either you have one of those new full featured Nokia Mobile phones such as N95, N93,... or other Nokia mobile phone, Nokia PC Suite will be really useful if you want to connect and manage your mobile from your PC.
Send SMS, copy pictures, synchronize contacts, install themes and games, set backgrounds and much more is what you'll be able to perform by using Nokia PC Suite, which is the official program offered by Nokia.
It's much more comfortable managing the mobile from your computer than directly on the phone. Take the most out of your mobile thanks to this free and easy-to-use suite.
Download Nokia Pc Suite
Running Nokia PC Suite on a Mac is NOT a hassle free thing to do, and is also one of the reasons why Apple should embrace Symbian for its iPhone.

Pc Suite Nokia Mac Os X Download

Nokia Pc Suite Windows 10
Luckily, people like Mark Guim from the Nokia blog have been thinking about the issue and have come up with the solution. Again, it’s not easy, but it’s well worth it.
Not to rant too much, here’s Mark’s post explaining step by step how to use Nokia PC Suite on a Mac.
UPDATE: There is a Nokia Music Manager for OS X available for Mac users. (thanks to My Your’s & Our E- 70 and E61).