
Open Source Mac Apps. Contribute to jeffreyjackson/mac-apps development by creating an account on GitHub. Browse other questions tagged git github github-for-mac or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog Podcast 269: What tech is like in “Rest of World”. New GitHub App Brings Collaboration Tools to Mobile Wednesday March 18, 2020 2:12 am PDT by Tim Hardwick Microsoft-owned GitHub has released a new iPhone and iPad app to help developers manage.

# wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/stefansundin/c89fd15bae5a58831790/raw/make-chrome-app.sh
# chmod +x make-chrome-app.sh
# ./make-chrome-app.sh
echo'Note that the app will run with a separate data dir and thus not have your regular extensions and settings.'
echo'What should the app be called?'
read name
if [ -d'$HOME/Applications/$name.app' ];then
echo'That app already exists.'
exit 1
echo'What is the url?'
read url
echo'What is the full path to the icon? (optional)'
read icon
chrome='/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome'
mkdir -p '$app/Resources''$app/MacOS''$app/Profile'
# convert the icon
if [ -f$icon ];then
sips -s format tiff $icon --out '$app/Resources/icon.tiff' --resampleWidth 128 &> /dev/null
tiff2icns -noLarge '$app/Resources/icon.tiff'&> /dev/null
# create the executable
cat >'$app/MacOS/$name'<<EOF
exec '$chrome' --app='$url' --user-data-dir='$app/Profile' --disable-save-password-bubble '$@'
chmod +x '$app/MacOS/$name'
# create Info.plist
cat >'$app/Info.plist'<<EOF
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC '-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN' “http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd”>
<plist version=”1.0″>
# disable Chrome's first-run dialog
touch '$app/Profile/First Run'
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Teletype for Atom

Great things happen when developers work together—from teaching and sharing knowledge to building better software. Teletype for Atom makes collaborating on code just as easy as it is to code alone, right from your editor.

Share your workspace and edit code together in real time. To start collaborating, open Teletype in Atom and install the package.

Github App For Mac

GitHub for Atom

A text editor is at the core of a developer’s toolbox, but it doesn't usually work alone. Work with Git and GitHub directly from Atom with the GitHub package.

Create new branches, stage and commit, push and pull, resolve merge conflicts, view pull requests and more—all from within your editor. The GitHub package is already bundled with Atom, so you're ready to go!

Everything you would expect

Cross-platform editing

Atom works across operating systems. Use it on OS X, Windows, or Linux.

Built-in package manager

Search for and install new packages or create your own right from Atom.

Smart autocompletion

Atom helps you write code faster with a smart and flexible autocomplete.

File system browser

Easily browse and open a single file, a whole project, or multiple projects in one window.

Multiple panes

Split your Atom interface into multiple panes to compare and edit code across files.

Find and replace

Find, preview, and replace text as you type in a file or across all your projects.

Make it your editor


Choose from thousands of open source packages that add new features and functionality to Atom, or build a package from scratch and publish it for everyone else to use.


Atom comes pre-installed with four UI and eight syntax themes in both dark and light colors. Can't find what you're looking for? Install themes created by the Atom community or create your own.


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It's easy to customize and style Atom. Tweak the look and feel of your UI with CSS/Less, and add major features with HTML and JavaScript.

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See how to set up Atom

Under the hood

Atom is a desktop application built with HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and Node.js integration. It runs on Electron, a framework for building cross platform apps using web technologies.

Open source

Best Github App For Mac

Atom is open source. Be part of the Atom community or help improve your favorite text editor.

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