1. Remove Office 2013 Manually
  2. How To Remove Office 365 From Mac
  3. Free Office Software For Mac

Back up your data first. You will need to back up files to a local disk or some other online storage area if your Office data files are located in Office EDU account, i.e. Office 365 EDU One Drive. Review and check out, Microsoft Support - Uninstall Office for Mac, to make sure to completely uninstall Office 365 EDU from your computer.

Microsoft, the company, and its tools don’t need an introduction. The most widespread of all is Microsoft Office, and for almost three decades, Mac users have had a love-hate relationship with Microsoft 365.

Windows users who recently switched to Mac install it and then look for ways to uninstall MS Office from Windows. Not only that, Mac users do that same.

But then when it comes to deleting Microsoft Office from Mac, it isn’t that simple. So, here’s a quick guide on how to get rid of every component related to Microsoft Office.

After you uninstall Microsoft Office on Mac you now need to uninstall the Office Licence of the Microsoft file or the leftover files of the Microsoft Office on your Mac. It is not unusual to keep the leftover of any files on your Mac, it is a waste of storage space on your Mac, and to prevent the files to occupy even a little space onto your. Uninstalling Microsoft Office 365 on your Dell PC There are several different reasons why you would want to uninstall Office 365 from your PC. Uninstall Microsoft 365 Office with support tools Additionally, you can also use a tool to completely uninstall the Office applications that come with Microsoft 365. For Mac, see Uninstall Office for Mac. Step Zero: Quit Everything. The first thing you need to do before you can remove Office 2011 is to. Remove Office for Mac applications Open Finder Applications. Command +click to select all of the Office for Mac applications. Ctrl+click an application you selected and click Move to Trash.

For those who want to know more about Microsoft Office here, we go.

What is Microsoft Office?

In simple words, it is the suite of tools that consist of Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Outlook, etc. To use all these components, you need to get Office 365 subscription and download it from the Mac App Store.

The subscription is annual, and you can install Office apps on several devices.

Why Can’t We Uninstall Microsoft Office 365 And Its Components?

A legit question! When on Windows, you don’t have to do much to uninstall Microsoft Office when on Mac?

Well, Mac is different from Windows; hence, you will have to uninstall it manually. This means by just moving them to Trash; you cannot delete it completely. To remove it entirely, you will have to scrape all the files and look for the junk files and other Microsoft Office files.

Additional Tip

If you want to uninstall Microsoft Office 365 the easy way, we recommend using CleanMyMac X. Using the uninstaller module you can delete Office 365 and all its components easily. Moreover, using this best Mac Optimizer you can get rid of junk files, unwanted data, and other cluttered data from Mac.

This easy to use Mac cleanup utility allows you to delete all junk data in one click. To use it, download and install CleanMyMac X. Click the Uninstaller module, run a scan, select all files related to Office 365 and uninstall them.

This way, in just a few clicks CleanMyMac X will remove all unwanted traces.


Precautions You Need to Take Before Deleting Microsoft Office from Mac

Indeed, once Microsoft Office 365 is uninstalled, you will be unable to access Microsoft formats like .doc, .xls, etc. Hence, before removing Office on Mac, make sure you have an alternate way to access these apps.

It can be a third-party app or another system having Office installed and running on it. If this doesn’t work for you, open each file, and export it in .rtf the format. Unless you have everything lined up, do not make the mistake of deleting Microsoft Office on Mac.

In addition to this, remember uninstalling Outlook will remove all the data. So, you need to have a backup plan for that too. If you are already using the IMAP server, there’s nothing to worry, as everything is already secured. However, if the messages and attachments are deleted or use POP3, you need to backup them. This is all that you need to do and be on a safer side.

How to Remove Office From Mac?

To uninstall Office 365 entirely from Mac, each application needs to be uninstalled completely.

Note: The removal process varies from version to version. So, follow the steps accordingly.

Steps to Uninstall Office 2011

1. Head to the Applications folder

2. Choose Microsoft Excel

3. Press the Command key and choose all the components of Microsoft Office like PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.

4. Drag them to Trash

5. Now, empty Trash so that all the traces are removed.

This will uninstall Microsoft 365 components like Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word from your Mac.

Steps to Delete Office 365 – 2016

This one is more complex than the uninstalling Office 2011. Since the files are in different folders, we will need to move all to Trash.

1. Select Microsoft Excel in the Applications folder

2. Press the Command key and select apps like OneDrive, Word, Excel, Outlook

3. Once all these apps are selected, press Control > choose the apps and move them to Trash,

How to remove office for mac completely without

4. Press Command+Shift+G

5. Now type ~/Library and press Go.

6. Look for the Containers folder and open it

7. Next, look for the following folders:


Note: There’s a possibility that some of these files might not be there.

8. Go back to ~/Library by pressing the back arrow and open the Group Containers folder.

9. Search for the following folders:



And move them to Trash

10. Empty Trash.

Note: If you see any Word, Excel, PowerPoint icons in Dock, right-click > Options > Remove from Dock

11. Reboot Mac, and you are all set.

This is it; you have now successfully uninstalled Office 365 from Mac.

Note: If you are deleting Office 365 to make some space for important files, try using CleanMyMac X. You won’t regret using this excellent Mac cleaning utility. Once you clean all the errors detected by this utility, you will have gigabytes of free space. Trust me; you won’t even have to uninstall them.

So, use CleanMyMac X and optimize your Mac. It is a much cooler solution, and in a few clicks, you get a clean, error free Mac.

Do let us know how the tool worked for you in the comments section.

I found these instructions on Microsoft's support site. - Not sure if I am allowed to post them here...

Remove Office 2016 for Mac applications

From Microsoft support page - https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Troubleshoot-Office-2016-for-Mac-issues -by-completely-uninstalling-before-you-reinstall-ec3aa66e-6a76-451f-9d35-cba2e14 e94c0

IMPORTANT Follow the steps in this article only if you've tried the usual Office for Mac uninstall process and are still having difficulty reinstalling or starting Office applications.

To completely uninstall Office 2016 for Mac you must remove the applications, supporting files, and keychain entries, plus any icons you've added to the Dock. Once you've removed everything, empty the Trash and restart your Mac to complete the process.

You must be signed in as an administrator or provide an administrator name and password to complete these steps.

There are several things to remove. This article steps you through each one.

Step 1: Remove Office 2016 for Mac applications

  1. Open Finder and click Applications.
  2. Command +click to select all of the Office 2016 for Mac applications
  3. Ctrl+click or right-click the applications you selected and click Move to Trash.

How To Remove Office For Mac Completely

Step 2: Remove supporting files from the Library and User folders

Remove files from the Library folder, you'll need to first set the Finder View options.

  1. Open Finder, click Go > Computer, and then click View >as Columns.
  2. Go to Macintosh HD > Library > LaunchDaemons.
  3. In the LaunchDaemons folder, ctrl+click or right-click this file if present, and then click Move to Trash.

    com.microsoft.office.licensingV2.helper.plist (if present)

  4. Go to Library > PrivilegedHelperTools, ctrl+click or right-click this file if present, and then click Move to Trash.

    com.microsoft.office.licensingV2.helper (if present)

  5. Go to Library > Preferences and ctrl+click or right-click this file if present, and then click Move to Trash.

    com.microsoft.office.licensingV2.plist (if present)

Remove files from your user Library folder

To remove files from your user Library folder, you'll need to first set the Finder View options.

  1. In Finder, press +Shift+h.
  2. On the Finder menu, click View > as List, and then click View > Show View Options.
  3. In the View Options dialog box, select Show Library Folder.
  4. Switch back to Column view (+3) and click <YourUserName>Library > Containers and ctrl+click or right-click each of these folders if present, and then click Move to Trash.
  • com.microsoft.errorreporting
  • com.microsoft.Excel
  • com.microsoft.netlib.shipassertprocess
  • How to remove office 2016 mac completely
  • com.microsoft.Office365ServiceV2
  • com.microsoft.Outlook
  • com.microsoft.Powerpoint
  • com.microsoft.RMS-XPCService
  • com.microsoft.Word
  • com.microsoft.onenote.mac
  • 5. Switch back to Column view (+3) and click <YourUserName>Library > Group Containers and ctrl+click or right-click each of these folders if present, and then click Move to Trash.

  • UBF8T346G9.ms
  • UBF8T346G9.Office
  • UBF8T346G9.OfficeOsfWebHost
  • Step 3: Remove Keychain Entries

    Open Finder > Applications > Utilities > Keychain Access and remove the following password entries:

  • Microsoft Office Identities Cache 2
  • Microsoft Office Identities Settings 2
  • 2. Search for all occurrences of ADAL in the keychain and remove all those entries if present.

    Step 4: Remove Office 2016 for Mac icons from the Dock

    Remove Office 2013 Manually

    If you added Office icons to the Dock they may turn into question marks after you uninstall Office 2016 for Mac. To remove these icons, control+click or right-click the icon and click Options > Remove from Dock.

    Step 5: Restart your computer

    When you've removed all the files listed in this section, empty the Trash and restart your computer.

    How To Remove Office 365 From Mac

    If you plan to reinstall properly See Also

    Free Office Software For Mac

    Nov 8, 2015 7:10 PM