I have an old power mac g5 case which I'd like to re purpose into my new editing pc, and I am wondering if it uses a proprietary form factor motherboard, or a standard form factor motherboard like atx, micro atx, or mini itx to know if I'd have to do some case modding or not, thanks for all replies, and I know I will need to mod the cables within the case like the power button, so no need to make note of that! Also, I know it would take less effort just to get another case, but I'd like to work on this case.
Mac G5 Atx Mod

- This is the First Video in a serie I made, doing a case mod on the Power Mac G5. I will try to answer alle the questions in the comments:) Music: Vexento.
- Conversion of a Power Mac G5 to microATX with a USB 3 front panel. For ATX boards, you can find USB 3 adaptor cables which have a USB 3 connector on one side and a matching connector for ATX mainboards on the other. Exactly what I needed! With a bit of luck, it should be possible to position those USB 3.
A few people bought old Apple Power Mac G5 cases and changed them internally to fit ATX mainboards. Most of them used professionally made, lasercut conversion kits available for around 100 €. Those kits let you mount an ATX mainboard and use the back IOs. But those kits didn’t made the Apple Power Mac G5 watercooling-ready. ATX Mid Computer Cases. NZXT Computer Cases. Cooler Master Computer Cases. Thermaltake Computer Cases. AMD Enterprise Networking and Servers. Power Mac G5 A1093 Aluminum Computer Tower Case Dual 1.8 GHz 80GB HD 1.25 GB RAM. $74.99 +$133.90 shipping. Make Offer - Power Mac G5 A1093 Aluminum Computer Tower Case Dual 1.8 GHz. The kit mounts in the same way as the G5 kit using shelf mountings and lower case mountings to fix the tray in place inside the Mac Pro casing. Mac Pro ATX kit with PSU mount The rear of the Pro kit fits as shown above to allow a full ATX board to go into the Mac Pro casing.
Mac G5 電源 Atx
Mac G5 For Atx Motherboard
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